poor Gwyneth! she's lucky she never got wrapped up with Applewhite, Nettles or the Alcor Life Extension people. Way too much self improvement in that crowd.
My New Year's resolution was to not get mustard gassed; but there's a democracy rally on Saturday, in advance of Herr Fuhrer's coronation, so I'm already over reaching. If a bunch of us aren't on bayonets by July, maybe we can have a BBQ with you
This is the first year in 56 of them, that I've had no resolutions. Other than to willfully stay off socal media, and listen to Britlestar 🤙🫡
Happy New Year to you kind sir. ✌🏽♥️🇨🇦
poor Gwyneth! she's lucky she never got wrapped up with Applewhite, Nettles or the Alcor Life Extension people. Way too much self improvement in that crowd.
My New Year's resolution was to not get mustard gassed; but there's a democracy rally on Saturday, in advance of Herr Fuhrer's coronation, so I'm already over reaching. If a bunch of us aren't on bayonets by July, maybe we can have a BBQ with you
Mediocracy....what an attainable concept.....thank you for making it ok.
Mediocre it is! I am down with that! Thanks Brittlestar!